HC Deb 17 May 1905 vol 146 c606

Mr. TATTON EGERTON reported from the Committee on Group 4 of Railway Bills; That the parties promoting the Cork Junction Railways Bill had stated that the evidence of Mr. William S. Green, of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, was essential to their case; and, it having been proved that his attendance could not be procured without the intervention of the House, he had been instructed to move that the said Mr. William S. Green do attend the said Committee on Tuesday, May 23rd, at half-past Eleven of the clock.

Ordered, That Mr. William S. Green do attend the Committee on Group 4 of Railway Bills on Tuesday next, at half-past Eleven of the clock.

Liverpool Corporation Bill. Reported from the Police and Sanitary Committee, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Skegness Water Bill. Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

McConnell's Divorce Bill [Lords]. Reported from the Select Committee on Divorce Bills, without Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table

Bill to be read the third time

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