§ Resolutions reported from the Select Committee.
- 1. "That, in the case of the Wigan Corporation Bill, Petition for Additional Provision, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with. That the parties be permitted to introduce their additional Provision if the Committee on the Bill think fit."
- 2. "That, in the case of the London County Council (General Powers) Bill, Petition for Additional Provision, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with. That the parties be permitted to introduce their Additional Provision if the Committee on the Bill think fit."
- 3. "That, in the case of the Ulster and Connaught Light Railways Bill, Petition for Additional Provision, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with. That the parties be permitted to introduce their Additional Provision if the Committee on the Bill think fit."
- 4. "That, in the case of the London County Council (Tramways) Bill, Petition for Additional Provision, the Standing Orders ought not to be dispensed with."
§ First three Resolutions agreed to.
§ Report to lie upon the Table.
§ Dublin Police Acts Amendment Bill. Ordered, That the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills do examine the Dublin Police Acts Amendment Bill, with respect to compliance with the Standing Orders relative to Private Bills.—(Mr. Clancy.)