SIR WALTER FOSTER (Derbyshire, Ilkeston)To ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that a telegraphist, named Bullamore, who was absent from duty at the Central Office from 12th April to 4th May, has had his pay stopped for this period; and whether, seeing that the telegraphist provided medical certificates showing that the absence during 266 the whole of this period was due to illness, he will explain the reason for punishing the telegraphist for obeying the injunctions of his medical advisers, as well as for his decision to set aside the expressed opinions of two medical men.
(Answered by Lord Stanley.) Mr. Bullamore has been examined by the Chief Medical Officer of the Post Office as well as by the Medical Referee to the Treasury, and both gentlemen are of opinion that he was and is fit for work, and that he will not be injured by it. This opinion is not concurred in by the private practitioners whom Mr. Bullamore consulted, but I am not prepared to set it aside for that reason. Mr. Bullamore was informed in March last that pay could not be allowed in respect of further sick absences except upon the recommendation of my official medical advisers.