§ MR. J. P. FARRELLI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that at a recent petty sessions Court, held at Longford, the county inspector of police there, Mr. Henry R. M'Dermott, refused to obey a witness summons issued by order of the Court, and duly served upon him with the usual viaticum; whether, before refusing to obey the summons, Mr. M'Dermott took the advice of the law officers of the Crown or the Constabulary authorities; and whether the police code provides any special exemption in the case of police officers any more than in that of other persons for such obedience.
§ MR. WALTER LONGThe county inspector did not attend, because, owing to an informality in the proceedings, it had been decided to withdraw the case in which he was summoned as a witness. He explained the reasons for his absence to the magistrates, who did not deem his attendance necessary. The county inspector did not consult either the law officers or the Constabulary authorities. The reply to the concluding inquiry is in the negative.
§ MR. J. P. FARRELLDid not the inspector himself decide that the proceedings were not in order, so that he might evade the summons?
§ [No Answer was returned.]