§ MR. NANNETTII beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the accounts rendered by the staff officer of the Royal Irish Constabulary Department, Dublin Castle, were certified as being correct for the period of four years ending December, 1903, and passed by the principal accountant and audit department, and that after the death of the said staff officer on January 6th, 1904, the accounts were found to disclose a deficiency of £433 10s. 4d.; and whether, in view of the neglect of duty on the part of the principal accountant and the officials of the audit department, he will say if the Inspector-General has taken any action in the matter of having the system of keeping the accounts inquired 56 into; and further, what means have been adopted by the said department to recover the said sum of £433 10s. 4d.
§ MR. WALTER LONGThe facts are as stated in the first part of the Question. The monthly accounts rendered by this officer were apparently correct, and were passed accordingly; but upon closing his accounts after his death, it was found that some of the vouchers which had been furnished by him were not genuine, and that there was a deficiency to the amount stated. Arrangements have since been made which will reduce to a minimum the risk of similar misappropriation of public money. The amount in default has been refunded to the department by the deceased's widow.
§ MR. NANNETTIasked whether, in view of the trouble which had fallen on the widow, any consideration could be shown to her.
§ MR. WALTER LONGreplied that he feared nothing could be done, but he would inquire.