HC Deb 11 May 1905 vol 146 c40

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether he has any information as to the source of infection of the ninety-six fresh cases of epizootic lymphangitis which have recurred among Army horses since last July; whether the clothes and boots of all persons who have come into contact with those horses have been so treated as to render them non-infectious; whether, seeing that this disease has existed in this country since 1902 and that there does not appear to be any abatement of it, he purposes, with the view of allaying the anxiety among horse owners, to adopt any further measures for its extirpation; and whether he can hold out any hope that the measures now adopted are likely to stamp out the disease.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Arnold-Forster.) The source of infection probably originated in previous cases in the same units. All desirable measures of disinfection are taken, but it has not been considered necessary to destroy the attendants' clothing or boots. The disease has practically ceased in the Army, only nine convalescent cases now remaining in strict isolation.