§ CAPTAIN DONELAN (Cork, E.)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if he can say by whose authority H.M.S. "Stormcock" was recently employed to convey bailiffs and police to Dursey Island for the purpose of carrying out evictions; whether the expenses incurred n the transport of the bailiffs and police were defrayed by the Admiralty and will appear in the Naval Estimates; and whether it is proposed to place His 913 Majesty's ships at the disposal of evicting Irish landlords.
§ * THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIR-ALTY (Mr. PRETYMAN,) Suffolk, WoodbridgeThe Admiralty having ascertained through the Irish Executive that the sheriff had bona fide requisitioned the services of this vessel, then in his bailiwick, to aid him in the execution of the King's writ, issued the necessary directions accordingly. So far as known no special expenses were incurred in connection with this service.
§ CAPTAIN DONELANThe right hon. 'Gentleman has not answered the last -part of the Question.
§ * MR. PRETYMANI think it was hardly asked seriously, but if the hon. Member desires an Answer it is in the negative.
§ MR. PATRICK O'BRIEN (Kilkenny)Was not the "Stormcock" sent to the rescue of a vessel on the rocks, and did she not arrive too late because her men were engaged in bombarding a poor man's hut?
§ [No Answer was returned.]
§ CAPTAIN DONELANAre officers and men joining the Royal Navy informed that they will be expected to assist in Irish evictions?
§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILL (Donegal, S.)Was the instruction given by the Admiralty here or was the communication solely with the admiral at Queens-town?
§ * MR. PRETYMANThe orders were issued by the Admiralty here.
§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILLWere the bluejackets under the command of the civil or of the naval authorities on this occasion.?
§ * MR. PRETYMANThere were no naval ratings on the boat.
§ MR. REDDY (King's County, Birr)What has been the cost of the expedition to the Admiralty?
§ MR. PRETYMANI have said no expenses were incurred.