HC Deb 04 May 1905 vol 145 cc917-8
DR. HUTCHINSON (Sussex, Rye)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board what steps have been taken by the officers of the Inland Revenue to test the various materials used in the manufacture of beer; to obtain a Return of the specific ingredients so used; and to ascertain to what extent, if any, they were found to be contaminated with arsenic; and whether any standard of purity in beer has been laid down by the Inland Revenue.


In respect to the first three portions of the hon. Member's Question, the procedure of the Board of Inland Revenue in exercising control and inspection over the ingredients which might contain arsenic, and which are-used in the manufacture of beer, is that provided for in the Revenue Act of 1888; the Revenue officials have caused frequent samples to be taken of other ingredients than those specially mentioned in the Gazette Notice of October 10th, 1901, issued under the Act named. They have tested not only glucose and "invert" sugar, but also caramel, malt, hops, and a number of brewers' worts; and, in cases where beer "regenerators" and yeast foods have been found arsenical, the manufacturer has either been cautioned, or sanction to the use of the substance has been withheld. The Arsenical Poisoning Commission bear testimony in their Report to the value of the work done by the Inland Revenue in connection with the Government Laboratory, and it will be continued as advised by the Commission. In regard to the last paragraph of the Question, the Board of Inland Revenue have no authority to prescribe a standard of purity for beer.