§ The following Papers, presented by Command of His Majesty during the Easter Recess, were delivered to the Librarian of the House of Commons during the Recess, pursuant to the Standing Order of the 14th August, 1896:—
- 1. Trade Reports (Annual Series). Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series, Nos. 3346 to 3353.
- 2. Treaty Series (No. 13, 1905). Copy of Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting Commercial Relations between Japan and India. Signed at Tokio, 29th August, 1904. Ratifications exchanged at Tokio, 15th March, 1905.
- 3. Explosions (Eley's Factory at Edmonton, Middlesex). Copy of Report by Captain J. H. Thomson, His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Explosives, to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, on the circumstances attending an explosion of collodion cotton which occurred at the Factory of Messrs. Eley Brothers, Limited, at Edmonton, Middlesex, on the 7th March, 1905.
- 4. Factory and Workshop (Laundries). Copy of List of Religious and Charitable Institutions in which Laundries are carried on.
- 5. Board of Education (Special Reports). Copy of Special Reports on Educational Subjects, Vol. 15. School Training for the Home Duties of Women. Part I. The Teaching of Domestic Science in the United States of America.
- 6. Underfed Children at Public Elementary Schools. Copy of Circulars issued in April, 1905, by the Local Government Board and the Board of Education as to the cases of children attending public elementary schools who are without adequate nourishment,
- 7. Lunacy (Scotland) Copy of Forty-seventh Annual Report of the General Board of Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland.
- 8. Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887 (Eviction Notices). Copy of Return of
672 Eviction Notices filed during the quartet ended 31st March, 1905. - 9. Agrarian Offences (Provinces) (Ireland). Copy of Return by Provinces of Agrarian Offences in Ireland for the year ended 31st December, 1904.
- 10. Education (Ireland). Copy of Annual Report of the Commissioners of Education in Ireland for the year 1904.
§ Ordered, That the said Papers do lie upon the Table.