HC Deb 30 March 1905 vol 143 c1703
MR. BUCHANAN (Perthshire, E.)

To ask the Lord-Advocate on what ground the village of Bridge of Earn was omitted by the Secretary for Scotland from the scheduled areas in the recent Motor-Car Order for Perthshire; whether he has received memorials on the subject from the parish council and school board showing that the road through the village is one much frequented by motors, and that considerable danger is apprehended from the absence of any limitation on the speed of motors passing through the village; whether a limitation of speed is imposed in other and smaller villages on the same and similar roads in Perthshire; and, if so, whether, in view of the feeling in the locality, he will amend the Order accordingly and impose a maximum rate of speed within the village.

(Answered by Mr. Scott Dickson.) The memorials referred to are received at the Scottish Office. The question of restricting speed at Bridge of Earn, among other places, was considered by the late Secretary for Scotland, who had a personal conference with the road authority of Perthshire before issuing the order limiting speed at various points in the county, and whose decision was that sufficient ground was not made out for including the road at Bridge of Earn in the restricting order. The present Secretary for Scotland sees no reason for departing from that decision, which was reached after careful and repeated consideration, and with an intimate knowledge of the county. I may remind the hon. Member that the road authority are entitled to erect warning signposts at points where no speed limit is imposed if they think it necessary.