HC Deb 27 March 1905 vol 143 c1182
MR. SHEEHAN (Cork County, Mid)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland under what circumstances, and for what special reason, was the senior and higher qualified assistant in national school, Roll No. 15,008, dismissed on the reduction of the average school attendance; has this teacher capably discharged her duty during her service of twenty-two years; and has anything been alleged by the inspectors of the Board of Education against her competency and qualifications, and is she now eligible for reinstatement in her former position, or, failing that, for a suitable pension.

(Answered by Mr. Waller Long.) The Commissioners were obliged, under the rules, to withdraw salary from one of the two assistant teachers in this school in consequence of the insufficiency of the average attendance of pupils. The services of the assistant referred to in the Question were discontinued because the manager, in the exercise of his powers, elected to retain the other assistant. The service of the discharged assistant has been satisfactory, but it is stated that she suffers from a physical defect which militates against her usefulness. If, however, she should be selected as assistant by any school manager her case will be specially considered by the Commissioners. She is not eligible for a pension.