HC Deb 23 March 1905 vol 143 cc940-1

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that in Scotland the local authorities valuation assessment committees carry on the work of valuation without expense to the ratepayers and give satisfaction to those concerned; whether he can state how many thousand pounds per annum it costs to maintain the valuation staff in Ireland, which is not subject to local control or co-operation from elected representatives; and † See (4) Debates, cxvi., 1331. whether, seeing this method has not given general satisfaction, the Government will consider the advisability of introducing the Scotch system into Ireland.

(Answered by Mr. Walter Long.) I cannot admit that the work of valuation in Scotland is carried out without expense to the ratepayers. I believe the contrary is the fact, but I am not in a position to compare the cost of valuation in the two countries. The total cost of the Valuation Department in Ireland is about £24, 000, about £8, 000 of which is paid by the local authorities. The system is so efficient and satisfactory that appeals against the decision of the Commissioner are lodged in only about one-sixth per cent. of the cases ruled by him. The reply to the last query is in the negative.