HC Deb 20 March 1905 vol 143 cc423-5

Address for "Return showing—

The number of Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield rifles manufactured at the Royal Small Arms Factories at Enfield and Sparkbrook respectively, with the cost per rifle at each Factory for the years 1890–1 and onward to the year ending the 31st day of March, 1903, inclusive. Also the number of Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield rifles manufactured at the Birmingham and London Small Arms Factories respectively, with the contract price of same at each Factory for the years 1890 and onward to the year ending the 31st day of March, 1903, inclusive.

The total numbers made at each of the four Factories for the years named respectively, and the average cost at each Factory per rifle.

The number of sword bayonets for the Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield rifles manufactured at the Royal Small Arms Factories at Enfield and Sparkbrook during the same period, with the number and cost per sword bayonet for each year respectively, and the orders on hand and unfinished at the present time.

The number of sword bayonets for the Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield rifles manufactured by private contract for the same period, showing cost per sword bayonet for each year respectively, and orders in hand undelivered at the present time.

The number of machine guns made at Enfold and Sparkbrook respectively for the years 1889 to 1904, showing type and cost per gun for each year, and the number of guns on order and unfinished at each Factory at the present time.

The number of machine guns made by private contract during the years 1889 onwards to 1904 respectively, showing type and cost per gun for each year, with the numbers of guns on order and undelivered at the present time.

The number of pistols manufactured at Enfield between the years 1880 upwards to 1904 inclusive, showing type and cost per pistol for each year respectively.

The number of pistols manufactured by private contract for the years 1880 upwards to 1904 inclusive, showing type and cost per pistol for each year respectively.

The total amount of money expended on plant for the manufacture of pistols at Enfield.

The additions to building and plant at Enfield since the year 1883 up to the present time, and the co t for each year respectively.

The estimated cost of the electrical power now being installed.

The number of men employed in the machine gun department at Enfield for the years 1889 upwards to 1904 respectively, and the number employed at the present time. The total amount paid in wages for each year respectively, and the amount paid in wages for the eleven months ending February, 1905.

The number of men employed at Enfield and Sparkbrook respectively, for the years 1888 upwards to 1904, and the total amount paid in wages for each year during the same period at each factory.

The number at present employed at Enfield and Sparkbrook respectively.

The number of machines at present standing idle at Enfield and Sparkbrook respectively, and the number of machines partially employed at each factory.

What is the normal capacity for output at each of the two factories, and what would be the capacity for output of Enfield and Sparkbrook respectively if the men were employed on three eight-hour shifts in each twenty-four hours, including Sundays.

The cost of building and plant of the Royal Small Arms Factory now being built in India, and the estimated capacity for output in normal and three eight-hour shifts each twenty-four hours, including Sundays."—(Mr. Abel Smith.)