HC Deb 20 March 1905 vol 143 cc581-3

moved that the Committee of Public Accounts consist of fifteen members; that Sir F. Banbury, Mr. Blake, Mr. Gibson Bowles, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. V. Cavendish, M. Cohen, Mr. C. Corbett, Sir T. Esmonde, Mr. Goddard, Sir B. Gurdon, Sir A. Hayter, Mr. Herbert Lewis, Sir R. Mowbray, Mr. Pym, and Mr. Yerburgh be members of the Committee; that the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records; that five be the quorum.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Committee of Public Accounts do consist of Fifteen Members."

The Committee was accordingly nominated of, Sir Frederick Banbury, Mr. Blake, Mr. Gibson Bowles, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Victor Cavendish, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Cameron Corbett, Sir Thomas Esmonde, Mr. Goddard, Sir Brampton Gurdon, Sir Arthur Hayter, Mr. Herbert Lewis, Sir Robert Mowbray, Mr. Pym, and Mr. Yerburgh.

That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers and records.

"That Five be the quorum."—(Sir A. Acland-Hood.)

DR. MACNAMARA (Camberwell, N.)

said he did not wish to oppose the Motion; but would ask whether, after the appointment of this Committee, an opportunity would be given for an early discussion of the stores question. Would the Committee discuss the stores account and give the House an early Report upon it?


said that, as regarded the discussion by the whole House, the Prime Minister had already promised a day for the discussion of the Report. As regarded the way in which the discussion was taken before the Accounts Committee, that was a matter for the Committee to settle themselves.


said that the discussion on the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General—


said the present discussion was not in order on this question. The hon. Member had better ask a Question of the Leader of the House on the subject to-morrow.


said that the Public Accounts Committee would probably take a considerable time to examine the accounts and report to the House. But he understood that the Prime Minister did not intend to withhold from the House the opportunity of discussing the subject until the Committee reported.

Ordered, That the Committee of Public Accounts do consist of Fifteen Members.

The Committee was accordingly nominated of—Sir Frederick Banbury, Mr. Blake, Mr. Gibson Bowles, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Victor Cavendish, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Cameron Corbett, Sir Thomas Esmonde, Mr. Goddard, Sir Brampton Gurdon, Sir Arthur Hayter, Mr. Herbert Lewis, Sir Robert Mowbray, Mr. Pym, and Mr. Yerburgh.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.

Ordered, That Five be the quorum.—(Sir A. Acland-Hood.)

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