MR. HERBERT ROBERTSTo ask the Secretary of State for India whether he is aware of the services rendered to higher education and to science in India by Raja Peary Mohan Mookerjee, Mr. A. M. Bose, Father Lafont, Dr. P. C. Ray, Mr. Perceval, Mr. N. N. Ghose, Mr. Justice Ashutosh Mukerjee, and Dr. J. C. Bose, and of the dissatisfaction felt at the exclusion of these gentlemen from the Senate of the Calcutta University, and from the Faculty of Arts; and whether, seeing that over 70 per cent, of the members of the Calcutta Senate are not graduates of the University, and that over 56 per cent, are Government servants, steps will be taken to prevent the exclusion of Indian gentlemen who have served the University with distinction from a share in its management.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) The hon. Member appears to have been misinformed as to the facts stated in his Question. Of the eight gentlemen named by him, five, viz., Father Lafont, Mr. Perceval, Mr. N. N. Ghose, Mr. Justice 438 Ashutosh Mukerjee, and Dr. J. C. Bose have been appointed Fellows and members of the Senate of the Calcutta University. Of these five, three, viz., Mr. Perceval, Mr. N. N. Ghose, and Mr. Justice Mukerjee have been allotted to the Faculty of Arts, and the remaining two to the Faculty of Science. I have no information as to the reason why the remaining three gentlemen were not appointed to the Senate by the authorities charged with the duty of selection; but I observe that of the ninety-one ordinary Fellows of the Calcutta University whose nomination was notified in the Gazette of India of December 10th, 1904, and January 28th, 1905, no less than forty-five are Indian gentlemen of distinction.