§ CAPTAIN NORTON (Newington, W.)To ask the Postmaster-General if he can state whether any part of the allowances authorised by the Treasury to London Post Office engineers on November 2nd, 1904, has yet been paid; whether it has been proposed to apply these allowances by means of a corresponding reduction of salaries; and whether, in view of the figures quoted on page 116 of the Post Office Estimates, it has been decided to enforce this method of application, despite the unanimous refusal of the officers concerned to accept it after being invited to do so.
(Answered by Lord Stanley.) The allowances in question have been paid to all persons entering the establishment since November 2nd last. But it was
† See (4) Debates, cxxxix., 1551.432 not my intention to alter the total remuneration of the existing members of the upper classes of the engineering establishment in London. In their case the allowances can only be paid concurrently with a corresponding reduction in salaries, and they were allowed to choose between the old and the new method of payment. In the case of the sub-engineers, however, I have under consideration the question of granting the allowance as an addition to the present salaries of men now on the class. The full allowance, however, would not be given to those who have already received increased pay in respect of their appointment to a post in London.