HC Deb 15 March 1905 vol 143 cc34-5

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland if he is aware that four shots were fired into the house of Thomas Curran, butcher, in the main street of Athenry, between seven and eight o'clock on the evening of the 6th inst., because he refused to obey the order of the local branch of the United Irish League to surrender some grazing farms held by him in the district; where was the police patrol at the time of the outrage; what steps did they take to bring the perpetrators to justice; and how many persons have been arrested in connection with the matter.


Four revolver shots were fired at the house of Thomas curran on the evening of the 6th instant. The police extracted two of the shots from the wooden shutter of Curran's shop window and picked up a third bullet from the ground. Shortly before this occurrence he received a letter from the local branch of the United Irish League requesting him to surrender a grazing farm which he held. A police patrol was on duty at the time in another part of the town. No arrests have yet been made, but the police are using their best exertions to trace the offenders. I cannot at the present stage make any statement in reference to the motives attributed for the outrage.

MR. DUFFY (Galway, S.)

Is it not the fact that an ex-sergeant of police was convicted some time ago of using fire arms in the dead of night?


I understand the hon. Member is now putting a Question a to some other offence?

MR. JOHN REDMOND (Waterford)

No, Sir, this is a Question which casts an aspersion on a whole district. It alleges a serious crime, and my hon. friend the Member for the district is asking whether recently an ex-sergeant of police was not convicted for this very offence.


There is no foundation that he was convicted for this offence.


I meant similar offence.


I have no information.

*MR. STUART WORTLEY (Sheffield Hallam)

Was it not on one occasion ruled by Mr. Speaker Peel that Question affecting private character could not be put without notice and under circumstances which afforded no immediate opportunity of answer


That is an aspersion on the decision of the Chair.


And by a Deputy-Chairman too.

The Question was not answered.]