§ ME. FLYNN (Cork, N. )To ask the Postmaster-General whether the attention of the Department has been called to the unsatisfactory postal arrangements in Liscarroll and Churchtown districts, county Cork, and to the fact that the mails now arrive in Liscarroll about 8. 15 a. m., and are despatched from there about 5 p. m. ; and whether, in view of the fact that important fairs, petty sessions Courts, butter and produce markets are regularly held in this town, the Department will arrange that letters shall arrive at about 7 a. m. and be not despatched earlier than say 7 p. m., so as to provide adequate time for traders to conduct their correspondence.
(Answered by Lord Stanley.) It is the fact that the mails now arrive at Liscarroll at 8. 10 a. m., but the despatch is made, except during the four winter months, at 6 p. m. A scheme for improving the service was considered some
§ the nomination of the local postmaster respectively.
§ (Answered by Lord Stanley.) I will furnish the hon. Member with a statement giving the information asked for, which could not conveniently be given in an Answer in the House.
§ time ago; but, as it was then found that it could not be carried out without causing serious hardship to the postman, it was not proceeded with pending an alteration in the circumstances. I will, however, inquire whether any further steps can now be taken in the matter.