§ MR. NANNETTI (Dublin, College Green)To ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether he is aware of the action of the police authorities in proceeding against the carmen of Dublin using a certain hazard for obstruction; whether the divisional magistrate has suggested means whereby the obstruction would be removed; and whether, seeing that the tramway company and the Carmen's Association have agreed to a plan whereby all cause for complaint has been removed, he will take such steps, under all the circumstances, as will prevent any further police proceedings in the matter.
(Answered by Mr. Atkinson.) The magistrate adjourned this case for a month in order that a point of law involved might be discussed by counsel. The jurisdiction of the chief commissioner to regulate stands under the 49th Section of the 16 & 17 Vict., cap. 112, has been raised, and it is essential that this point should be determined in the first instance, whatever arrangements may ultimately be practicable.