HC Deb 09 March 1905 vol 142 c945

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether His Majesty's Government will lay upon the Table the instrument by which the present High Commissioner in South Africa was appointed, and any other documents showing what is the nature and extent of his authority over the government of those, districts of British South Africa which do not enjoy responsible government, and over the British forces in South Africa; whether it is intended to advise His Majesty to confer similar powers upon the new High Commissioner as those possessed by the present High Commissioner; or, if not, what difference will there be.


I must refer the right hon. Gentleman to the Colonial Office for information as to the official publications which contain some of the documents inquired for, or as to others which could be laid on the Table. It is not proposed to make any alteration in the position of the new High Commissioner.


Will the Papers which the Government are willing to lay contain everything to be said with regard to the position of the High Commissioner?


I would suggest that the right hon. Gentleman should move for a Return, and then my right hon. friend will be able to tell him if there is any objection.

It being now five minutes to Three o'clock four starred Questions on the Paper remained unanswered.