§ MR. AINSWORTH (Argyllshire)I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies what has been the total amount voted for compensation for damages sustained during the war in South Africa; how much of this amount has already been paid away; what is the amount of claims still to be dealt with; and who in South Africa is responsible for attending to these matters in the Transvaal, Orange River State, the Cape Colony, and Natal.
§ MR. LYTTELTONIn amplification of the Answer which I gave to the hon. Member's Question on this subject on March 29th† last session, I would refer him for an explanation of what has been devoted to compensation to the despatch from Sir Arthur Lawley, printed in Cd. 2104, pages 11 and 12; and I would add that up to November 30th, a sum of £1,564,367 had been spent out of Head I. C. of the Guaranteed Loan, and £5,490,905 under Head III. I am not in a position to say what is the number of claims in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony which remain to be finally dealt with. As I stated in March last, the claims have been assessed in the Cape
† See (4) Debates, cxxxii., 976.712 Colony and Natal by Commissions appointed locally, and in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony by a Central Judicial Commission.
§ MR. AINSWORTHHow long will it be before these claims are finally disposed of.
§ MR. LYTTELTONI am afraid I cannot give a very accurate answer. I hope, however, in two or three months.