HC Deb 07 March 1905 vol 142 c553

"To confer further powers on the Caledonian Railway Company in relation to their undertaking; to authorise them or the Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire Railway Company to construct a railway to connect the Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire Railway with the Clydebank Dock branch of the North British Railway Company, and to acquire a joint interest in such dock branch; to authorise the Callandar and Oban Railway Company to raise additional capital and to transfer to them the Leitir Mhor Pier and empower them to maintain, regulate, and charge rates at Achnacloich Pier; and for other purposes," presented, and read the first time: and referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills.

Name of colony. Date and method of incorporation into British Empire. Date and method of conferment of Representative Institutions. Population, revenue, and area at time of conferment of Representative Institution.

—(Dr. Macnamara.)