HC Deb 06 March 1905 vol 142 cc397-8

To ask the Postmaster-General whether, in view of the fact that the Branch Office Circular 171 of December, 1902, stated that risk allowances were to be paid on newly created counter duties, and that the staff at Ludgate Circus Branch Office, who petitioned in 1902, were informed in December,1904, that the matter was still under consideration, he intends to give effect to the instructions contained in that circular.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) The arrangement sanctioned in December, 1902, was duly carried out, and it is not the case, as the hon. Member appears to think, that the matter now under consideration has any reference to the decision then given Certain new duties were created at the Ludgate Circus Office in November last, and it is the amount of risk attending those particular duties, and consequently the proper amount of risk allowance to be granted to the officers performing the duties, which is now under consideration. A decision will be given as soon as possible.