§ MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONI beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will undertake to circulate copies of the Order in Council of August 10th, 1904, relating to the distribution of business at the Admiralty, before the discussion of the Navy Estimates begins in Committee of Supply.
§ *MR. PRETYMANThis Paper is being laid on the Table to-day, and will be circulated in due course.
§ MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONWhen will it be circulated?
§ *MR. PRETYMANTo-morrow, I hope.
§ MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONCan the hon. Gentleman explain why that Order in Council alone of all the Admiralty Orders in Council has not been sent to the Library?
§ *MR. PRETYMANI was not aware of the fact. I regret it.
§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILL (Donegal, S.)Will the hon. Gentleman defer his statement until the Order has been circulated?
§ [No Answer was returned.]