HC Deb 01 March 1905 vol 142 c26

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that Mr. W. Guest Lane, a land agent, has been appointed by the Estates Commissioners to inquire into the cases of the evicted tenants on the White Estate, near Bantry; and whether, in view of the attitude of this gentleman towards some of the tenants, and the fact that he stated to one tenant named James Leary that the man who had taken his farm and resided on it for twenty-three years had the best right to it, he will advise that another inspector be sent on the estate referred to.


The hon. Member has not been correctly informed. The firm of Messrs. Guest, Lane and Co., to which the Question presumably refers, are the solicitors having carriage of the estate and are not in the employment of the Commissioners.