§ Return ordered, "relative to the working of the Wireless Telegraph Act for the first three months of the year from January 1st to March 31st, 1905, viz.:—
- (1) The number of messages, under the terms of the arrangement with the Marconi Company, handed by the general public to the Post Office for transmission to ships at sea; 526
- (2) The number of these messages that failed to be delivered, showing for how many the senders applied for refund of the charges and the number (if any) for which the refund was refused, with the reasons for such refusal;
- (3) The number of messages received from ships at sea and delivered by the Post Office to the general public;
- (4) The amount of cash received during the three months by the Post Office for such inward and outward messages, and the proportion due to the Post Office and the Marconi Company;
- (5) The cost incurred during the same period by the Post Office in instructing the Postal Telegraph Offices throughout the country in connection with the Marconi service.
§ Generally, in regard to the Wireless Telegraph Act, the number of licences to use wireless telegraphic apparatus applied for, with the name and nationality of the applicant, the name of the system, the position of working and radius of action, and the reasons for refusal (if any) of the licence or licences."—(Captain Norton.)