HC Deb 29 June 1905 vol 148 cc537-8

To ask the Secretary of State for War if he can state if the War Office have published the accounts of the South African Field Force Canteen during the war for the information of the Army, as laid down by military regulations; and, if so, when were they published; and can a copy be laid upon the Table of the House; and, if not, will he explain the reason for his decision.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Arnold-Forster.) There is no military regulation binding the War Office to publish accounts of canteens for the information of the Army. The result of the winding-up of the Field Force Canteens and the disposal of the residual profit of more than a quarter of a million sterling for the benefit of the Army was given in the reply to the Question put by the hon. Member for North Camberwell on the 13th April.†