§ SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)I beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General if he can inform the House how many cases of misappropriation of trust funds have been reported to the Lord Chancellor by the Incorporated Law Society in the fifteen years ending May 31st, 1905; and what sum of money was lost to the beneficiaries by the misfeasance of the delinquents in question.
§ THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Sir ROBERT FINLAY,) Inverness BurghsThese cases are not reported to the Lord 376 Chancellor. I am informed by the officials of the Incorporated Law Society that, during the fifteen years ended May 31st, 1905, there were sixty-one such cases, and that the total amount of trust funds misappropriated was approximately £152,110.
§ SIR HOWARD VINCENTMay I ask whether cases of solicitors being struck off the rolls are not reported to the Lord Chancellor?
§ SIR ROBERT FINLAYIf any solicitor is dealt with by the High Court on the application of the Incorporated Law Society he is Reported to the Lord Chancellor. During the last three years there have been fifty-six such cases.
MR. GIBSON BOWLESIn how many of these cases were members of the Incorporated Law Society implicated?
§ SIR ROBERT FINLAYwas understood to say he did not know.