HC Deb 26 June 1905 vol 148 cc63-4
MR. MOREELL (Oxfordshire, Woodstock)

To ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he has information as to the existence of disease of the nature of tuberculosis affecting the liver of the rabbit, specially prevalent this year; and, if so, will he cause inquiry to be made and information laid before the Commission on Tuberculosis as being a disease possibly affecting the food of man.

(Answered by Mr. Ailwyn Fellowes.) I am advised that the disease to which my bon. friend refers is caused by an animal parasite, and that it is not of the nature of tuberculosis. Its correct name is coccidiosis. In these circumstances it does not appear to be necessary for any communication to be made to the Royal Commission on Tuberculosis on the subject. It is not considered by the Beard's veterinary officers that the disease is attended with any danger to man, but I propose to bring the matter under the notice of the Local Government Board.