HC Deb 28 July 1905 vol 150 c786
MR. SLOAN: (Belfast, S.)

To ask the Postmaster-General whether, in view of the disclosures made at the trial of Robert M'Whirter, at Belfast Assizes, on the 18th instant, arrangements will be made for the adoption of a proper rotary system of duties, in order to prevent any future possibility for a person with no previous experience and no training to be placed on responsible duty, incurring risk to himself and the public.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) I inquired into the arrangements at Belfast in connection with the hon. Member's Question of the 23rd ultimo

‡ See (4) Debates, cxlvii.,1435

and I then came to the conclusion, as I informed the hon. Member by letter, that no change seemed necessary. But I will consider whether the circumstances of the special case to which he now refers are such as to modify in any way my conclusion.