SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if the Department of the Director of Auxiliary Forces, or other branch of the War Office, can be designated to assist school cadet corps and rifle clubs in obtaining on payment rifles and ammunition and military drill instruction, in the sense suggested by Field-Marshal Earl Roberts, and others; and if, further, officers commanding districts and sub-districts may be instructed to visit, so far as invitation may be extended to them, the schools in their several areas, and to encourage drill and rifle practice in the same way as in the United States and in the Eastern Command of Great Britain, without regard to the wearing of uniform or any particular dress by the pupils.
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR (Mr. ARNOLD-FORSTER,) Belfast, W.Military training in schools has for some time past been encouraged by the War Office. In January last, instructions were sent to general officers commanding to make further efforts in this direction, and it is not intended that these efforts shall be in any way relaxed. It is hoped, also, that the headmasters of the schools will in their turn co-operate to the best of their ability in furthering matters.