HC Deb 20 July 1905 vol 149 cc1377-8
MR. LYELL (Dorsetshire, E.)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the system of European financial control in Macedonia, as outlined by Lord Lansdowne on March 28th, continues to be the policy of His Majesty's Government; and, if so, whether pressure will be put upon the Ottoman Government in order to secure the acceptance of that system without further delay.


I beg also to ask the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if the Turkish Government has declined to accept the system of European control of Macedonian finance advocated by the Powers.

CAPTAIN ELLICE (St. Andrews Burghs)

At the same time may I ask the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Sublime Porte has refused to adopt the scheme of international control of the finances of Macedonia; and what steps it is proposed to take in order to enforce compliance.


I think the hon. Member's Question was placed upon the Paper before the speech made by Lord Lansdowne in another place on Tuesday, in which he explained the system of financial control demanded by the Powers. The Turkish Government have declined to accept the system. The Answer to the first paragraph of the Question of the hon. Member for St. Andrews Burghs is in the affirmative. As regards the last paragraph, it would be premature to make any statement with regard to action which might become necessary in the event of a persistent refusal by the Porte to sanction measures which the Powers are unanimous in regarding as indispensable for the tranquillity and good government of Eastern Europe.