HC Deb 20 July 1905 vol 149 c1408

SIR H. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN asked what business would be taken next week.

MR. KEIR HARDIE inquired whether the Unemployed Bill would be put down as the second order to-morrow after the Naval Works Bill.

MR. A. J. BALFOUR said it was not possible to act upon that suggestion, because the Amendments of the Government to the Unemployed Bill, which he hoped would make it a non-contentious measure, were not yet on the Paper. The second order to-morrow would be the Scottish Churches Bill, and it would be a great convenience if the first order—the Naval Works Bill—were finished in time to complete the Committee stage of that measure. With regard to next week, lie did not know whether it was proposed to carry the debate on the vote of censure through the evening sitting on Monday as well as through the morning sitting.


I have not yet sounded the desires of those who sit around me.

MR A. J. BALFOUR said that, should the House divide on the vote of censure at half-past seven o'clock, he proposed to take at the evening sitting the Report stage of the Scottish Churches Bill, which it was desirable to pa-s us soon as possible and send up to another place.