§ MR. JOHN REDMONDWhat will be the business on Tuesday and Wednesday.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURIrish Supply will be taken on Tuesday, if that suits hon. Gentlemen opposite. As regards Wednesday, there have been negotiations with regard both to the Unemployed Bill and the Naval Works Bill. If the Second Reading of the Naval Works Bill is taken next Friday, I shall propose to take the Unemployed Bill on Wednesday. We have to get the Report of the Resolutions on the Naval Works Bill, and not till then can the Bill be printed, so that it cannot be in the hands of hon. Members till Friday morning. But the Bill deals with general principles, there is no new item in it, and I think 1192 all the information desired will probably be found in the Bill of last year. My hon. friend the Civil Lord of the Admiralty will make a statement as to the Bill in order to facilitate matters, and I hope that, notice having been given, there will be no objection to the Bill being taken on Friday on the ground that it has been so short a time in the hands of Members.
MR. GIBSON BOWLESThe right hon. Gentleman has promised me Wednesday evening for the discussion on the Report of the Public Accounts Committee.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURYes, and as at present advised I propose to adhere to that arrangement.
§ MR. BROADHURSTCould we not get copies of the Naval Works Bill tomorrow night.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURNo, that is impossible.
§ MR. BRYCE (Aberdeen, S.)If the Committee on the Scottish Churches Bill finishes to-night when will the next stage be taken?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI should like to take the Report stage of the Churches (Scotland) Bill soon, but I cannot promise a particular day at present.