§ MR. ALEXANDER CROSS (Glasgow, Camlachie)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture when he proposes to introduce his Bill dealing with the sale of substances used extensively and in large quantity in horticulture and agriculture, but which are 553 technically included as poisons under the schedules of the Pharmacy Act, in view of the efforts made to monopolise the trade in such articles by retail druggists, to the injury of these industries of farming and gardening.
*THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE (Mr. AILWYNFELLOWES,) Huntingdonshire, RamseyThe Bill in question falls within the province of the Privy Council rather than my own, but I am in communication with my noble friend the Lord President as to the advisability of its introduction at no distant date.
§ MR. ALEXANDER CROSSIs it in an advanced state of preparation?