HC Deb 10 July 1905 vol 149 cc91-2
MR. SHEEHY (Meath, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieu- tenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the district inspector of police in Armagh visited the houses of Catholic licensed vintners in the city who displayed flags or bunting from their premises on the occasion of the consecration of the Catholic Cathedral, and compelled the removal of these flags; and that the same officer permitted the Protestant licensed traders to decorate their premises with flags on the 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th ultimo; and will he state on what grounds were the latter displays permitted and a distinction made in favour of traders of one persuasion.


The warning which was given by the local police to the publicans of Armagh on the occasion first mentioned was given in error, the police having misunderstood the effect of the instructions they had received. The occasion mentioned in the second inquiry was that of an agricultural show, when the town was decorated by persons of all creeds. The question of religion does not arise. On neither occasion were the flags displayed of a Party character, and on neither occasion was a prosecution instituted.