HC Deb 07 July 1905 vol 148 cc1467-8

The House met at Twelve of the Clock.

Mr. SPEAKER informed the House, That he had received the following letter from the Secretary of State, which he read to the House as follows:—

"Foreign Office,

"July 5th, 1905.


"I have the honour to transmit herewith a translation of a note which has been addressed to me by the Spanish Ambassador at this Court, in which His Excellency informs me that at the sitting of the 16th instant the Senate of the Kingdom of Spain unanimously voted a Resolution giving most hearty thanks to the British nation for the sentiments of sympathy and sincere enthusiasm manifested on the occasion of the visit to this country of His Majesty the King of Spain.

"It will be observed that His Excellency desires that this Message may be communicated to the Houses of Parliament.

"I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your most obedient humble Servant,


"The Right Honourable"

"The Speaker of the

"House of Commons."

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