HC Deb 06 July 1905 vol 148 c1314
SIR WALTER PLUMMER (New-castle-on-Tyne)

To ask the hon. Member for Chorley, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether his attention has been drawn to the Bill now before Parliament for constructing, among other things, a subway commencing on the south side of Charing Cross and terminating near the south-east corner of the base of the Nelson Monument; and whether His Majesty's Office of Works can do anything to prevent this further encroachment upon Trafalgar Square, which has already been disfigured by the subway which has for so long been in course of construction, and is at last approaching completion.

(Answered by Lord Balcarres.) The Answer to the first paragraph is in the affirmative. The plans and drawings have all been seen and approved by the First Commissioner, who is satisfied that no disfigurement will be caused; and the encroachment referred to is small in comparison with the advantage to the public of the subway.