HC Deb 05 July 1905 vol 148 cc1109-10

Colonel WELBY reported from the Committee on Group of Private Bills; That the parties promoting the Local Government (Ireland) Provisional Orders (No. 2) (Belfast, Castlereagh, and Holywood Joint Board Order) Bill had stated that the evidence of Professor E. A. Letts, Professor of Chemistry, Queen's College, Belfast; Mr. Conway Scott, Executive Sanitary Officer, Belfast; Mr. M. J. F. Napier, City Surveyor's Department, Belfast; Mr. W. A. Currie, Secretary to the Belfast Harbour Commissioners; and Colonel F. F. Hill, D.S.O., Royal Irish Fusiliers, Holywood Barracks, county Down, was essential to their case; and, it having been proved that their attendance could not be procured without the intervention of the House, he had been instructed to move that the said Professor E. A. Letts, Mr. Conway Scott, Mr. M. J. F. Napier, Mr. W. A. Currie, and Colonel F. F. Hill, D.S.O., do attend the said Committee on Tuesday next at half-past Eleven of the clock.

Ordered, That Professor E. A. Letts, Mr. Conway Scott, Mr. M. J. F. Napier, Mr. W. A. Currie, and Colonel F. F. Hill, D.S.O., do attend the Committee on Group J of Private Bills on Tuesday next, at half-past Eleven of the Clock.