HC Deb 03 July 1905 vol 148 c782

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether, in view of the provisions of Section 21 of the Land Purchase Act, 1903, regarding the powers of the Estates Commissioners to make regulations for the management and subdivision of bog in the case of estates which had been previously sold under other Purchase Acts, and on which a large area of bog: existed, he will advise an inquiry into the management of the Granard (county Longford) Estate bog with a view to-having agreements entered into by the vendors at time of sale, guaranteeing certain turbary lights to tenants, given effect to.


I am not acquainted with the facts of the case, and have no power whatever to direct such an inquiry as is suggested. If the estate should come for sale before the Estates Commissioners, I have no doubt they will exercise the jurisdiction conferred upon them by the 21st Section if the circumstances require it.