HC Deb 27 February 1905 vol 141 c1343
MR. PIKE PEASE (Darlington)

On behalf of the hon. Member for the Tunbridge Division of Kent, I beg to ask the Junior Member for Oldham whether he can state the terms of the Resolution on Preferential Trading with the Colonies of which he has given notice for Wednesday, March 8th.


I hope to put the exact wording of the Resolution on the Order Paper before the end of the week. For the information and convenience of the hon. Member I may say that it is my present intention to move in the following terms: "That, in the opinion of this House, the permanent unity of the British Empire will not be secured by a system of preferential duties involving taxation of food." The hon. Member may be assured that these terms will not be altered unless circumstances should arise which would appear to render alteration desirable.

It being now five minutes to three o'clock, twelve starred Questions addressed to the Secretaries of State for War and the Colonies were not put.