HC Deb 22 February 1905 vol 141 cc899-900

I beg to ask the hon. Member for Chorley, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, what is the estimated cost of the construction to the road or path sixty-five feet wide now being made across the Green Park from the Victoria Memorial to Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, and from what source will that cost be defrayed; is this path required for traffic across the park, and, if not, for what other object is it being constructed; has any public body been consulted as to the necessity for the path; and will this House have any opportunity, either on the Estimates or otherwise, of expressing an opinion on the removal, from the smallest of the parks, of nearly one acre of grass and the substitution for it of either gravel or pavement.

LORD BALCARRES (Lancashire, Chorley)

The estimated cost is £4,000. The cost of construction is being met by the Mansion House Committee for the Unemployed and by a contribution by the Queen Victoria Memorial Committee. There will be no charge on public funds. The path is an essential part of the scheme sanctioned by the First Commissioner and by the Queen Victoria Memorial Committee for the approaches to the Memorial. It is proposed to turf over several existing paths and restore the space occupied by them to the grass surface of the park. The possibility of a discussion of the matter in the House of Commons is a question rather for the Leader of the House than for the Department.


There will be no Estimate?


replied in the affirmative.


asked whether the enormous amount of brickwork under the path was necessary for the drainage of a pathway.


I have made no further inquiry into the matter. My Answer that it is for drainage purposes holds good.


asked whether there was not a danger that in process of time the path would be turned into a roadway.

[No Answer was returned.]