HC Deb 22 February 1905 vol 141 c910
MR. JOHN REDMOND (Waterford)

asked leave to move the adjournment of the House in order to call attention to a definite matter of urgent public importance—namely, "The present conditions under which Sit Antony MacDonnell holds the office of Under-Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland."


Is not that the same question as the one debated yesterday?


With great respect, Mr. Speaker, the question was incidentally mentioned in the debate yesterday, and also in Questions put to the House. I would not have attempted to move this Motion were it not that the Government have practically declined to produce the documents referred to by the Chief Secretary, documents which I understood him to say in his speech he personally had no objection to produce. In addition, I would not have moved it were not statements made at the Table to-day that there had been some variation in the terms and conditions of the appointment. I respectfully submit that I am quite in order in asking permission to move the adjournment.


Although I have some doubts about it, I do not feel justified in taking the responsibility on myself of refusing the Motion.

The leave of the House not having been given, Mr. SPEAKER called on those Members who supported the Motion to rise in their places, and not less than forty Members having accordingly risen,

The Motion stood over, understanding Order No. 10, until the Evening Sitting this day.

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