HC Deb 11 August 1905 vol 151 cc996-7
DR. AMBROSE (Mayo, W.)

To ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the mail train from Dublin to Westport does not stop at Balla Junction either on the outgoing or return journey; and whether, seeing that this state of things causes inconvenience to passengers who wish to alight at Balla Junction, he will see that a stop of a few minutes is made there.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) As the hon. Member was informed in reply to a similar Question some two years ago, a regular stoppage of the mail train at Balla, which is a comparatively small village, would not be justified. There is, however, no objection on the part of the Post Office to the train being specially stopped on exceptional occasions, such as a local cattle fair, and the secretary to the Post Office in Dublin will deal with any applications which may be addressed to him.