HC Deb 09 August 1905 vol 151 cc809-10
MR. T. M. HEALY (Louth, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland what is the cause † See (4) Debates, cxlvi., 287. of the removal of the manager of the female national school, Dungiven, county Derry; why has the reverend gentleman not been removed from managership of the male school and six other schools in the parish if he deserved the censure involved in his removal from the female school; what opportunity did the National Board give the reverend gentleman for explaining his action; did the decision of the Board turn upon the support the manager gave to the schoolmistress, who had punished certain children in maintenance of school discipline; did the father of the children bring a charge of assault against the schoolmistress, and was the conviction quashed by the High Court; have the National Board, nevertheless, fined the teacher and kept her without salary for fourteen months; and is Rule 40d, which, with chapter 6 of the Board's regulations, makes the manager responsible for the good order and management of the schools abrogated as regards Dungiven; and, if not, what steps do the Board propose to regularise the position as regards the female school at Dungiven.


The manager refused to acknowledge the authority of the Commissioners, who required him to admit the children of John Kennedy. No such question arose in regard to the other schools. An investigation was held at which the manager attended and gave evidence. The mistress had been convicted of assaulting one of Kennedy's children, but the conviction was quashed on a technical point. The Commissioners fined the mistress for inflicting severe and improper punishment, but did not withhold her salary. She herself refused to accept it. The rules mentioned have not been abrogated, but under Rule 46 the Commissioners have power to remove a manager. The Commissioners intend to adhere to their decision in the case.