§ SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)To ask the Secretary of State for War, having regard to the remark in the last Report of the Inspector-General for Recruiting that statements as to impending changes in 609 the Militia have detrimentally affected recruiting, if it is possible to make any announcement with regard to the future of the Militia, such as might have been made upon the Government Bills recently withdrawn; whether recruiting for those Garrison Artillery Militia units in Ireland, which had been suspended pending decision as to the retention of the units, has been resumed; or whether Militia recruiting in Ireland remains partially suspended.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Arnold-Forster.) I informed the House some time ago that, owing to the steps which had been taken by the Army Council to enforce a higher standard of qualifications in the recruit, it was probable that some falling off in the numbers recruited would be at first apparent. I am glad to be able to state that this falling off, which was noticeable in the earlier part of the year, is now rapidly disappearing, and that in the week ended July 29th more men were recruited for the Militia than in the corresponding week of last year. No change is at present contemplated in the constitution of the Militia, the Bill authorising the enlistment of Militiamen for service abroad in time of war having been withdrawn. Recruiting for the four units of Garrison Artillery Militia in Ireland, referred to in the Question, is still suspended.