§ MR. NANNETTITo ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he can state who is responsible for the condition of the Royal Canal at Dublin; whether, seeing that this canal was constructed at the public expense to develop the resources of the country, he will say to what extent and by whom it is now used as a means of transit for goods; whether he will have steps taken to compel those responsible, to keep it free from weeds and other rubbish, and to keep its banks in such a condition as will make it safe for pedestrians was king along the canal; and whether he will consider the advisability of utilising the system of canals in Ireland to secure a free competition with the railway companies.
(Answered by Mr. Victor Cavendish.) It is presumed the hon. Member's Question refers to the Broadstone branch of the Royal Canal, which is the property of, and is worked and managed by, the Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland. I understand that the company are taking steps to have this branch closed; and this measure, if carried out, should lead to a great improvement in the direction desired by the hon. Member. In this connection I am unable to express an opinion on the question of general policy raised in the last part of the hon. Member's Question.