HC Deb 03 August 1905 vol 151 cc74-5
MR. MOSS (Denbighshire, E.)

; I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that officers in His Majesty's Army, before they are considered eligible to join the Egyptian Army, or to go out to Japan to learn the language, or to serve on the staff, must, if lieutenants, pass the promotion examination for the rank above the one they hold; and that officers who are appointed adjutants and assistant adjutants of battalions at home are not obliged, if lieutenants, to have passed this examination; and whether he will take any, and what, steps to place adjutants and assistant adjutants at home on the same footing as officers seeking appointment in the Egyptian Army, or desirous of going to Japan, or wishing to serve on the Staff.


The conditions as to passing examination are imposed when officers leave their regiments for extra regimental work, because they may be serving where examinations are not held, or where facilities for attending examinations are difficult, and because the special work on which they are engaged may cause only limited time to be available for study for the examination. In the case of adjutants' appointments the above contingencies do not appear. As regards the Egyptian Army the rules are made by the Sirdar.