§ MR. J. P. FARRELLI beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether any estates have been purchased by the Estates Commissioners, under Subsections 4 and 5 of Section 6 of the Land Purchase Act, 1903, outside the province of Connaught or the congested districts; and, if so, in what counties; and whether, considering that these sub-sections entirely fulfil the conditions of tenancy on the Galbraith, county Longford, Estate, action will be taken in reference thereto by the Estates Commissioners.
§ MR. ATKINSONThe Answer to the first inquiry is in the negative. The Galbraith Estate is not one which could, in present circumstances, be purchased by the Land Commission under the subsections quoted, seeing that no application to the Commissioners has been made by the owner as required by Sub-section 1 of Section 6.