HC Deb 01 August 1905 vol 150 c1171
MR. JOSEPH DEVLIN (Kilkenny, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that Miss Rose Sweeney, a Catholic manual instructress, was appointed by the Presbyterian manager of Carnatall National School, county Tyrone, to be an instructress in the said school; that thereupon Mr. William Coote, a justice of the peace, summoned a meeting and commenced a boycott of the school on account of this girl being a Catholic; that an action was then taken against Mr. Coote in the Common Law Courts in Dublin, and was settled by the defendant undertaking to pay the costs of the case and remove the boycott of the school; that the defendant failed to fulfil his promise; that an action was then commenced in the Chancery Division by Miss Sweeney against this gentleman for an injunction and damages; and that Mr. Justice Barton granted both costs against him, and commented upon his conduct; and will he say whether an appeal has been lodged against this decree, and explain why the Irish Government have not only refrained from taking proceedings against this gentleman, but allowed him to retain the commission of the peace.


It has been ascertained from the Registrar of the Court of Appeal that an appeal in the case of Miss Sweeney against Mr. Coote has been lodged but has not yet come to trial. Pending a decision in that case I must decline to add anything to the statements I have already made.